
Digital Smile Design
Want to improve your smile? Wondering how your smile will looks like with veneer? DSD is a technical tool which is used to design and modify your smile digitally and help you to visualize it beforehand by creating and presenting a digital mockup of your new smile design before the treatment physically starts.
Invisible/Clear Aligner
Invisible/clear aligner is the clear alternative to metal braces for everyone. A teeth straightening option done professionally with More Comfort, Less Pain and Better hygiene.
Composite Veneer
Composite veneers are a cosmetic dental treatment where a tooth-colored resin material is applied to the front surface of your teeth to improve their appearance. It's like getting a thin, custom-made layer over your natural teeth to fix issues like chips, discoloration, or gaps. Composite veneers can be done in a single visit, and the dentist shapes and polishes them to look like your real teeth, giving you a natural and brighter smile. They are economical and repairable when necessary.
Porcelain Veneer
Porcelain veneers are thin, custom-made shells that are designed to cover the front surface of your teeth to improve their appearance. They're made from durable porcelain material, which mimics the look and feel of natural teeth. Porcelain veneers are used to fix things like discoloration, chipped teeth, or gaps. Unlike composite veneers, porcelain ones are made in a dental lab, so they usually take two or more visits to complete. They are long-lasting, stain-resistant, and provide a natural, bright smile.
Scaling & Prophylaxis
A treatment to keep your teeth clean from stains, plaque and calculus. With our state-of-the-art air polishing machine, we hope you have a pleasant experience while we remove plaques and stains from your teeth comfortably.
Restoration of decayed teeth or damaged teeth helps improve oral health and functions. With tooth colour restoration material, we help to restore teeth back to their form and functions.
Removal of tooth painlessly with local anaesthesia
Surgical Wisdom Tooth Removal
Removal of impacted wisdom tooth with surgery under Local anesthesia
Root Canal Treatment
Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that relieves pain caused by an infected or abscessed tooth. During the root canal process, the inflamed pulp is removed. The surfaces inside the tooth are then cleaned and disinfected, and a filling is placed to seal the space.Thus, relief the pain cause by the bacteria infection.
Dental implants are medical devices surgically implanted into the jaw to restore a person's ability to chew or their appearance. They provide support for artificial (fake) teeth, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures.
An effective and fast way to improve the shade of your teeth. It is the least aggressive way to improve your smile! We provide In-office whitening and take home kit.
Orthodontic Treatment
Braces with self-ligating system, removable and permanent retainer available. The term "orthodontics" can be broken down into two Greek words - "orthos" meaning straight or correct and "dontics" meaning teeth. Orthodontics therefore describes the practice of straightening misaligned teeth or malocclusions.
A removable prosthetic device constructed to replace missing teeth. We do provide various type of denture such as acrylic denture, Cobalt-Chromium/Vitalium Denture and Elastic(Valplast) Denture.
Crown & Bridge
Fixed dental Prosthesis that restores the structure of the tooth, Improve the appearance of the tooth or even replacing the missing tooth. Multiple types of material available. E.g. PFM, EMax and Zirconia.
Fluoride Treatment
Fluoride treatments are typically professional treatments containing a high concentration of fluoride that a dentist or hygienist will apply to a person's teeth to improve health and reduce the risk of cavities. These in-office treatments may take the form of a solution, gel, foam, or varnish.
Dental Radiographic Imaging
With the latest Technology, we provide various dental imaging such as CBCT(3D X-ray), Panoramic Radiograph and Intra-oral Periapical Radiograph (IOPA). These can improve the accuracy of the diagnosis.